"Calm. Haste makes waste. Life is not an emergency. Life is brief and it is fleeting, but it is not an emergency." ~Ann Voskamp
how many times did i hear my mom tell me "haste makes waste". it took me years and years to understand this...granted she probably started telling me the day i learned to walk. once i got it it really stuck with me...when i can manage to remember it. ha! yes, remembering, one of the hardest things for me. i have struggled everyday since i've started this journey of gratitude to remember that i'm on it. taking photos helps, it slows me, forces me to see the little things that would normally blur by and make no impression on me. concrete reminders of life are good...they help me stay alert to God's gifts.
why do we move so fast. where are we really rushing to. how can we forget that slow feels so good. Ann Voskamp said "Emergencies are sudden, unexpected events -- but is anything under the sun unexpected to God?...Stay calm, enter the moment, give thanks."
-look up!
-full compost container...gives future life
-seedlings reaching for the sun
-tiny flowers peeking out from under the fence...so easy to miss
hammer. hammer. hammer. practice. practice. practice.
I like the compost photo, and especially the leftover leaves on the cutting board. Definitely a simple, little thing that usually makes no impression.